Monday, February 6, 2012

Romania Mission Trip: The Sequel!

I'm back! Please follow me on my next adventure to Romania, June 2012. Stay tuned for itinerary and updates.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Romania Slide Presentation

Sunday, December 5th, 2010
9:30 Am to 10:30 PM
(light breakfast provided)
Westminster Hall - Westminster Presbyterian Church
Nacogdoches, Texas

"Travel" to Romania to see the work of NOROC and last summer's WPC work with the children from the Tulcea orphanages.

Put faces with the names of the children and leaders that you have heard about,

"Meet" big-hearted grannies, big-hearted teachers, and big-hearted friends.

"Visit" the beautiful Romanian churches, architecture and countryside.

Hope you can join Marty, Sharon and me!

Love through Christ,
Bobbie Ann

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Keep Checking Back!

Each day, I'll re-visit previous posts and add photos. They take a while to upload, so be patient with me. Thanks so much for your support of this blog. Your encouragement makes my day!

Love through Christ,
Bobbie Ann

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Cemetery

Near Brasov, we stopped at a beautiful cemetery. People of the Orthodox faith treat their deceased family and friends with great respect. They pray for the dead and light candles to honor them. The cemeteries are beautiful, to me, anyway. Very crowded, the graves bunt up to one another. Flowers are planted on top of each grave, with a little tin box for candles at the base of the headstone.

As I understand it: The deceased are buried. Seven months after death, it is the responsibility of the eldest son to remove the decomposing body and clean the bones. Then the bones are re-buried. The bones of several family members may occupy the same grave. Sounds kind of creepy at first, but it is their tradition and not unusual to them.

At the cemetery, several people were visiting the graves of their loved ones. The little old lady was one. Through our bus driver, she explained to us that she visits the grave of her family members every day, praying, tending the flowers, etc. She was so very sweet and enjoyed sharing her story. She lives across the street from the cemetery and invited us to her home for tea. Sadly, we didn't have time. I wish we had accepted her invitation.

Some of the gravestones include photos of the deceased. Back home in Millville Cemetery (located north of Henderson, TX - where I was raised), the gravestone of my brother, grandparents, and uncles also have photos. It is the cemetery where most of my family on my father's side are buried. So, this is not an unusual custom for me, though some in our group were not familiar with the tradition. For my family, seeing the photos is comforting.

Respecting the cultures of others is something we Americans should work on.

Dear Lord,

Please comfort those who mourn for loved ones. We lift them up in our prayers. Bless them and give them strength to carry on until it is their time to join you above.

In Christ Name,


Bobbie Ann

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Few Photos (many more to come!)

I'm in the process of organizing over 1,000 photos. Here's just a few to wet your appetite! (Some photos were taken by me and some were taken by Petru.)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Texas, My Texas!

We've landed! Be home by bedtime!
Love to you and yours,
Bobbie Ann

On Board!

Flight was delayed in London (Heathrow) but we've boarded now. Ron is picking up Marty, Sharon and me at DFW. See you in Texas!

Love, Bobbie Ann