Friday, June 18, 2010

"The Americans"

We are known as "The Americans." This is our team:

Rich and Carol are from Lubbock and have been very involved with NOROC for many years. Rich is a Presbyterian minister and Carol teaches Pre-K. This is Rich's seventh trip to Romania and Carol's fourteenth! We certainly appreciate their experience and leadership. Rich enjoys woodwork, so he and David have taught the kids how to build birdhouses. He has a basic knowledge of the language, drives the van, and helps in many other ways. Carol, together with Mary of NOROC, wrote our camp curriculum, schedule, etc. She and Barbie lead the group physical activities every day. Also, Carol speaks Romanian very well! Carol is the "adopted American mother" to a 30 year old young man here, whom she met when he was 22. Rich and Carol have two grown daughters.

David and Barbie are also from Lubbock. This is their first trip to Romania. David runs a family hardware/furniture with his brother and sister. Also a woodworker, David designed the birdhouses and made the templates. The night we arrived at camp, David and Rich cut wood for the birdhouses using tools they brought with them. The children then painted and assembled the houses. David is very soft-spoken, but when he speaks his wisdom is obvious. Barbie is a speech pathologist and her experience with children is invaluable. She, too, soft-spoken but when she talks, we all listen! David and Barbie have three grown children (I think!).

Madge is from New Branfels and is retired. For 15 seasons, Madge has worked at Yellowstone National Park as a supervisor. An avid hiker, Madge has visited Switzerland twice, as well as many other well-known hiking locations on the US and abroad. This is Madge's second trip to Romania with NOROC. On the previous visit, Madge met the Roma (Gypsy) children that I mentioned in a previous post and generously provides for many of their needs. A portrait artist, Madge sketched the face of each precious child In Session I, which she then gave to them. Not a girly girl, Madge has graciously put up with the silliness of Sharon, Marty and me as we all share a room. Madge has three grown sons and seven gradchildren.

These five, plus Marty, Sharon and I make up the American Team!

Love to you all,
Bobbie Ann

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