Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! I just got off the phone with my Dad (age 88). So good to hear his voice and wish him a Happy Father's Day.

Last night, we attended a special worship service at Casa Nuestra, a property owned by NOROC. The service was held outside, under the carport cover, which is home to the NOROC van. (Romanians are very resourseful, making good use of everything.) chairs surrounded the perimeter in a circle. With a few benches and chairs in the middle. We were all seated facing the communion table, complete with a beautiful brass cross (just like our's at Westminster), a basket of bread, a picture of water with a fresh lily, and a pitcher of juice.

I should explain: Ninety percent of the Romanian people are Orthodox. NOROC does a beautiful job of working with children from all faiths: Orthodox, Presbyterian, Baptist, Muslim...everyone works together to help the children. Not always as easy task, but we're all here for the same purpose. the Orthodox service, a lily is dipped in water and the water is "flung" towards the congregation. I'm sure there's a more appropriate word than "flung," but that's the best I can came up with right now! Thus, the pitcher of water with a lily.

The purpose of the special worship service was two-fold. First, to celebrate the conclusion of our trip and secondly, to witness the confirmation of a teenage girl. She was baptized as an infant in the Orthodox church, yet at this point in her life, wanted to publicly profess her faith and be confirmed, as a sign of her love and dedication to Christ.

We sang hymns together in Romanian and English. Rev. Mary and Rev. Rich led comunion. There was a brief message and the young lady was confirmed. At the conclusion, I sang a duet, "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee," with my young Romanian baritone friend. I sang in English while he simotaneously sang in Romanian. It was a very special moment for me and I hope for others, too.

The service was hosted by Rev. Mary's Thursday night Bible study group, many of which attended camp. It was so good to see them again. I sat by my new friend Narcesa, who helped me make paper flowers a few days earlier. Such a precious child of God! Others on attendance were NOROC staff members and supporters in Romania, as well as us, the American team.

After the service, we went to dinner at a hotel overlooking the Danube. It was the perfect night to end our time in Tulcea. Early the morning, we left Tulcea for a six-hour drive to Transylvania, where we visited two castles, including the Dracula castle. (Or so they say.)

Tomorrow, we'll drive back to Bucharest with a few sightseeing stops along the way. After spending tomorrow night near the airport, our flight leaves early Tuesday morning for the US.

Love to you all,

Bobbie Ann

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