Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Me and My Shadow

It's 4:30 pm and Marty and I are in our room taking a break. The children are fishing on the river and Sharon is meeting with a NOROC social worker planning Saturday's workshop.

Marty is very smart. Last night she suggested that we move my mattris off my top bunk and onto the floor so I wouldn't be so hot. Worked great and made sleeping last night much better.

I have a new shadow. She's a precious little girl who follows me everywhere. She's not an orphan, but lives here in the village. Because at the last minute the orphanage wouldn't let as many kids come to camp as expected, we had room for a few of the village children, including my shadow and her older sister. My shadow is very shy and quiet. I don't know why she's chosen me, but I'm thankful. When I come upstairs to my room, she waits outside at the foot of the stairs until I come back down. (Children are not allowed in the adults rooms, which is a good rule.) the funny thing is that she looks very much like my Leigh looked at the same age. Marty saw us walking hand-in-hand yesterday and later told me that we looked just like Audrey and me wasking through the church parking lot. Today during song time, she was amazed that I know the same songs she knows, like "This Little Light of Mine." Gonna be hard to say goodbye to my little shadow.

The children made tissue paper flowers today and after they left for the river, Marty and I made a cross out of twigs, etc. and covered the cross with the paper flowers. Rev. Mary Ferris is going to use the cross at our service tonight to illustrate how we can all be a part of the Body of Christ. Mary very clever like that. When she saw the beautiful flowers the children made, she thought of a way to incorporate then into her message. These children love studying the Bible, reciting verses and prayers, and listening to Bible stories. It's as if the Word satisfies their many needs.

Off for now. Maybe I can catch a quick nap before the children return!
Love to all,
Bobbie Ann

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