Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Danube Delta

It's our day off, in between sessions. We're taking a boat ride down the Danube Delta. Remember African Queen? That's what it's like. On our boat are 12 staff members from camp plus the boat captain. We're surrounded by a bird sactuary- so beautiful! The water lilies are georgious and a cloud of dragonflys travels along the water with us. This is a relaxing activity for our frazzeled group before the next session begins tomorrow.

After lunch, we'll visit an archiology site just a few miles from camp. It is an ancient Roman church were the bones of two Martyrs were found in the 70's.

Love through Christ,
Bobbie Ann


  1. You all and the children are in my prayers! I just LOVE this blog! Hang in there for session II! Tell Marty that she's an extra-special missionary "aunt" to these children because I KNOW how much she HATES being hot! ME, TOO!

    Love you,


  2. Will do! She's already asleep, but I'll tell her in the morning!
    Love to you,
    Bobbie Ann
