Friday, June 4, 2010

Supplies for Children - from Nacogdoches to Romania!

Each of us (Sharon, Marty and Bobbie Ann) is taking an extra 50 pound bag, full of supplies for the children. The items were donated by members of Westminster Presbyterian Church, our friends and family, or purchased with funds donated for this purpose. In addition, Marty's workplace, Commercial Bank of Texas, held a "baby shower" through which many supplies were given for the children. Bobbie Ann and Marty will carry bags packed with the items listed below. Sharon will transport a 50 pound bag, packed by NOROC, of medical supplies for the children.

All items were requested by Rev. Mary Ferris, NOROC Mission Co-Worker, and are unavailable or very expensive in Romania. We'll use some of the supplies at the Sonshine Camp for craft activities. Other items will be distributed by Mary and NOROC staff members to the children. One service NOROC provides for the children is a birthday party each month. The children enjoy cake and each birthday child is presented with a small gift. Additionally, NOROC provides the children with small gifts at Christmas. We're also taking several games for camp, as well as toys which Sharon will use in the Play Therapy Workshop. Afterward, these items will stay in Romania.

Another need came to us mid-May: Recently the orphanage staff (state employees) began issuing the children only one pair of clean underwear per week...yes, per week. The children are expected to wash them out every night, but the younger children especially wear them for a whole week or go without. Once we shared this information with our church, underwear came in from all directions. We have at least one package in every size, but could use more!

Supply items we're carrying:
puppets, dolls, child's medical kit, Twister games, Beanie Baby-size stuffed animals, stickers, puzzles, small toy cars, glue sticks, wiggle eyes, infant onesies, underwear and socks for boys and girls in all sizes, hard candy and chewing gum, costume jewelry and makeup samples (for teenage girls), cases of ibuprofen and Tylenol, cases of lice shampoo, small toys from McDonald's, markers, constructions paper, children's vitamins, ribbon, pipe cleaners and glitter.

While we're in Romania, we will purchase additional needed items with funds provided by Westminster Presbyterian Church. There's still time to help! If you'd like to donate items or make a monetary contribution for us to purchase items for you, please let me know! (Checks should be made payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church.) After we leave on June 10, the church can still make deposits into the account we'll be using in Romania.

Love through Christ,
Bobbie Ann

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