Thursday, June 10, 2010


At gate with Marty, Sharon and Madge (from New Braunsfel). Sadly, the Lubbock part of our group was delayed. Their flight from Lubbock to DFW was delayed and then cancelled. They're now booked on a later flight and will arrive in Bucharest one day later. We're not sure how this will all work out, but have faith that Mary and Petru will have a plan when we arrive in Bucharest. I'm sure God has a plan! This is indeed a trip of faith!

That meant that Sharon, Marty and I checked nine 50 pound bags of supplies! But all is well.

This is Madge's second mission trip with NOROC and we're gleaning from her experience as we wait to board.

Thanks to my sweet husband, Ron, for driving us from Nacogdoches to DFW, plus all that luggage! Thanks, Honey!

Will post again after we arrive! Love to you all. Please keep us in your prayers!
Love through Christ,
Bobbie Ann

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us posted! I'm praying for all of you!

