Saturday, June 19, 2010


Bitter because we're leaving the beautiful country and it's children in the morning.
Sweet because I miss my husband and family terribly am anxious to head home in the morning!

Today was a great day. Awoke to a lovely breakfast overlooking the Carpathian mountains. Headed out for Bucharest with several nice stops along the way. We had the nicest young man as a driver for the past two days. Very polite and helpful, well beyond the assigned responsibilities of his job. We visited the city of Brasov, where the Black Church is located, so named after a catastrophic fire in 1689. The flames and smoke blackened it's walls, but the sumptuousness and the grandeur of the church could not be shattered. The Black is home to a 4,000 pipe organ built by Bushels from Berlin in 1838-1839.

Brasov is also home to great shopping, so we were able to complete our gift lists before leaving. For lunch, we ate in a wonderful restaurant full of ambiance. It was built into and around stone foundation of a hotel, which sits above the restaraunt. I ordered a capreese salad, which was delicious, followed by a platter of grilled vegitables. Perfect! To end the meal, Barbie and I shared a Peach Cream desert. Divine!

After leaving Brasov, we continued south towards Buchareast, which was a 6 hour drive. We're staying overnight at a hotel near the airport. The 6:30 am shuttle will take us to the airport. Then it's off to Heathrow and lastly, DFW. Ron is picking up Sharron, Marty and me and will be our "driver" back to Nacogdoches.

Tonight's Bible study was taken from Matthew 25:14-28, if you're following along. This the parible about The Talents.
The end of our prayer:
Judge me tonight, Lord,
Review with me the talants and my use
of them before it is too late to learn,
Set free your gift of grace within my living.
And let it lead me out into creative investments
of my life and my love in the building
of your kingdom.

Love in Christ,
Bobbie Ann

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