Sunday, June 13, 2010

We're at camp!

Bible study is about to begin, so I only have a few minutes. So much to share! The water has been "out" for 3 days in our village. Fortunately, our camp has it's own water well. Most of the adult camp staff was supposed to stay at another house about a mile away. But since the house has no water, we've doubled up here at camp. I've got the top bunk! It's very rare to have air-conditioning in Romania and camp is no exception.

It's now noon on Monday. I've found a breezy place, sitting on concrete stairs in the shade, one of the few slightly cool places I've found.

Our first group of campers arrived this morning. Hooray! What beautiful, happy faces. This is such a treat for them. My job at registration was "medical inspection" which is code for checking for head lice. None found! These children are very clean. Sadly, this group is not a broad representation of the children. The orphanage staff said only a few children "deserve" to come to camp. On one hand, this is good for us because we get the well-behaved children who do well in school and don't get in trouble. On the other hand, many children we could have helped had to stay behind. But...we do what we can do.

Sharon and I performed as clowns during assembly time this morning. The lesson was about the wise man who built his house upon a rock and the foolish man who built his house in the sand. We wore full clown costumes, head to toe. Sharon did a great job- she's such a ham! I wasn't very funny. Later, we served the morning snack of apples and cookies in our costumes.

The children move through rotation groups: crafts, activities and bible study. Lunch at 1pm, followed by free time and more rotation groups. Marty is helping with Bible Study time today. Each group has at least one translator, so the language difference isn't a problem at all.

More later!
Bobbie Ann

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