Tuesday, June 15, 2010

End of Session I

It's 9 pm and the children just left on the bus to go back to the orphanage. Lots of smiles, hugs, kisses and tears. Such precious children. I pray that they know they are loved by God, and us.

Marty, Sharon, Madge and I are visiting in our room before Bible study. Rumor is that the water is back on I'm the village and they may move some of us to the lakehouse. The four of us hope to stay where we are. Don't want to move again.

Please pray for all the children who attended camp with us and also (especially!) for the children who were not allowed to come. Can you imagine how said it must have been for them when the other children left for camp? And how sad they will feel tonight when the camp kids return to the orphanage with all their crafts and gifts?

Dear Lord, please touch the hearts of all the children. Let then feel the love that we have for them. Please ease their pain, soften the harshness of their world and brighten their little lives. Lord, we ask that you bring gentleness and kindness to their caregivers.
In Christ Name we prayer,

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