Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good morning!

Today's theme is "The Body of Christ." The children worked in groups to assemble large puzzle pieces into bodies. Rev. Farris led the group, through scripture, from Bethlehem to today, explaining how God built the church upon the Rock and that we, as the body of Christ, continue to build. The clowns (Sharon and I) made a special appearance to help illustrate the timeline from Christ time on earth to our present time. I think it went well.

The only bad thing about being a clown is wearing the hot costume. Today, while waiting for our cue, Sharron and I sneaked outside and found a shady spot near an open window to wait. We could hear the hear the beautiful voices of the children singing. Some of their Bible songs are familiar to me, while others are new to me. In my plan, I never imagined that I would be standing in a clown costume outside a camp activity center window, listening to Romanian children singing "Ode to Joy." I like God's plan better.

The children are in their rotation groups now: ropes course, making birdhouses, and Bible story time. We clowns delivered snacks.

Breakfast today included: bread with margarine, homemade jam, pork pate, 1/2 tomato and mint hot tea. The children ate it all. I lost track of how many slices of bread slathered with margarine, jan and pate.

More later today,
Bobbie Ann

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