Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome to our journey!

Welcome! We are members of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Nacogdoches Texas and look forward to a great adventure in Romania! Accompanied by 5 other Presbyterians from Texas, we'll visit the children of Romania through NOROC, New Opportunities for Romanian Orphaned Children. Our group from Nacogdoches includes Dr. Sharon Templeman, Marty Taylor and Bobbie Ann Anderson.

This trip is sponsored by the Mission Committee of Westminster Presbyterian Church and our generous church members, NOROC and many friends. Without their incredible support, this trip would not be possible. We hope to share the love you have given us with the children of Romania.

Itinerary for Work Trip 2010 to Tulcea, Romania:
June 10: Depart DFW for Bucharest, Romania, with a brief layover in London.
June 11: Arrive in Bucharest and travel 5 hours by van to Tulcea, arriving at 10:15 pm. (8 hour time difference.)
June 12: Visit NOROC properties: Casa Noastra and The Club. Dr. Templeman will present a Play Therapy Workshop for Romanian orphanage staff while Marty and Bobbie Ann visit Clubul Vesele, an indoor play area, and meet our first children.
June 13: Attend Orthodox worship service in Tulcea. Visit Niculitel: Tomb of the Martyrs, Cocos Monastery and Saion monastery in route to Camp Sonshine. Camp Sonshine is located in the village of Dunaviti, in the Danube Delta.
June 14-15: Staff camp for children grades 4-8. Activities include singing, skits, Bible lessons, craft projects, games, outdoor physical activities (ropes course, ping pong, badminton, soccer, fishing, row boating, etc.), singing around a campfire, etc. It's much like our church camp and Bible school.
June 16: Day off! Boat trip into the Delta and visit archaeological site Halmyris.
June 17-18: Camp days for grades 9-12. Travel back to Tulcea the evening of the 18th.
June 19: Morning free for museums, etc. in Tulcea. In the afternoon, Dr. Templeman will lead a second Play Therapy Workshop while Marty and Bobbie Ann meet a different group of younger children at Clubul Vesele. The closing worship service will be held that evening at Casa Noastra.
June 20: Travel by bus to the cities of Bran and Brasov, in the southern part of Transylvania. The evening features a home cooked meal at The Dalia, a special type of Romanian Bed and Breakfast, featuring foods grown and raised on the property.
June 21: Travel back to Bucharest, sightseeing along the way. Lunch in Brasov. Spend night in hotel close to airport for early departure next morning.
June 22: Depart Bucharest for DFW, with layover in London. Arrive at DFW at 4:40 PM.

In the next few days, I'll post information about Romania, NOROC, the children and more! After we arrive in Romania, Sharon, Marty or I will try to post daily. Thanks for being a part of this amazing journey!
Love through Christ,
Bobbie Ann

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