Thursday, June 17, 2010

Session II Begins!

The teenagers arrived about 8 this morning. I was again on lice patrol. None found! Very sweet kids. They remind me of our youth group at Westminster. Some live in the orphanage and some of the girls live in apartments with a housemothers, of sorts. Their in rotation groups now. Lunch is soon, at 1pm, so this post will be short.

We had rain this morning, so the temp is much cooler. First time I've worn long sleeves.

More after lunch,
Bobbie Ann


  1. Your blog is the inspirational highlight of my day, Bobbie Ann. Such wonderful detail and feeling. We are praying with and for you and your success on this Mission. So thankful for your restful break and cooler weather.

    Much love and admiration,
    Martha and Jim

  2. Bobbie Ann: what a refreshing way to keep us posted. You are a genius. You should consider journalism as a career. Probably cooler (AIR CONDITIONED, I MEAN) than the job you have right now in Romania. We are praying for your safety and health while away from us. Can't wait to see you again. Tell everyone else hello.
    Sue and Gary
