Saturday, June 12, 2010

We're here!

After 30 hours of traveling, we arrived about 11:30pm Friday night. Exhausted, yet excited. Mary met us at the airport with a mini-bus and driver. Drove to Tulcea with a stop along the way to eat. Beautiful drive. Stopped by NOROC facility to unload supplies. Several nice young men helped with this. Tonight, the young men are hosting a BBQ for us.

Stayed overnight in a bed and breakfast. Woke to a wonderful breakfast of omelets, toast and juice. Visited one orphanage this morning. Several children were in art class, which is provided by NOROC. They're painting icons on glass. Beautiful work! The orphanage staff were very open to meeting us and showed us around. Children were smiling, happy, and well-behaved. Such beautiful faces. As we complimented the art students on their pieces, they just beamed!

Now we're at the NOROC offices. After lunch, Sharon will go for the Play Therapy Workshop she's leading. Mary and Petru say the response has been great and 45 Romanian teachers and staff members from the orphanages have registered. Meanwhile, Marty and I will visit the toddlers and babies.

As you know, the Lubbock part of our group was delayed. They should arrive tonight and be ready to go to camp tomorrow.

The work NOROC does here is indeed amazing. So much more to do. Seems like with every step forward, they have three steps back. Please pray for steps forward with no steps backward!

Love through Christ,
Bobbie Ann

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