Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Children

Oh the precious children. Today, we visited two homes for young children. In the first house, the children wereages 4 to 6. Such sweet faces! Several have physical disabilities and all have some type of mental developmental prolems. The house looks like other residences in the neighborhood. But with a large fenced yard, which is well-kept. The house itself is brightly painted, clean and comfortable. 10 children live in the house with two staff members. NOROC provides 4 Grannies to works each day, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. The Grannies help with feeding, dressing, teaching and play times.

When we arrived, the children had just gotten up from a nap and were eating a snack of yogurt and cookies. They sat at little tables very politely. Shy at first, they began to open up after a few minutes. I tried to coax a little deaf boy into finishing his snack. But he only wanted for me to hold his hand. We took a bag of bananas, which the children loved. And, just like American children, they love posing for photos. Sweet smiles. After snack time, we moved into the shady part of the yard to play. One precious little girl uses a walker, due to a problem with the nerves in her legs. She's had several surgerys, more are in the future.

More later. The Lubbock group just arrived!
Bobbie Ann

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